828.226.4454 | jring5646@gmail.com

Seven Day Test

Gold Granite Tile. Half the tile is sealed with Granite Shield and the other half is unsealed. After each 24 hour period one spot was wiped off the tile and photographed. Unfortunately the unsealed side never got a chance to be wiped off because the stone sealed with Granite Shield. This test just proves that WHEN GRANITE IS SEALED WITH GRANITE SHIELD you DO NOT have to wipe up spills immediately as ALL other sealers insist! If you have a party and don’t want to spend all night cleaning your tops or worse have to keep an eagle eye on your guests just in case they spill.

Seal with Granite Shield
and relax, enjoy the party!

Travertine Floor

Travertine sealed by Granite Shield. Cola left on travertine 24 hours still showing bead and left no etch.